Nice game, but I have a long list of improvements.
Hey man, nice game there :). It's a shame that I only knew a few questions, because most of it is about consoles and I don't use them ;).
I love that you put in so many questions, because that can really keep you busy if you don't have anything to do. Nice music too, I think I'll be downloading that track and check out what else you've got :).
Anyway, here are a few tips for you.
Watch the language:
probaly = probably
Theirs a question = There is / There's
appear on bottom = appear on the bottom
click the one = Click (with a capital C)
if it is well = if you are right
on to the next question <- you forgot the dot
if your wrong = you are / you're
or you run out = or if you run out
well you lose = you loose (without the "well")/ ... well ... you loose..
Q 3: how many KONGS are their = there
Q 5: grammer = grammar
Q6: then = than (as in; "more than"; "less than"; "the same as". "Then" is used in situations such as; "I was in the libraby. Then I noticed etc."
Q12: Whos = Whose
Q13: their = there
Q17: off her tower = off of her tower
20/50 score: could of done better = could have done better (it seems like everyone makes that mistake.. Internet slang?). Also, it's "an" average player instead of "a" average player.
Well I didn't go any furter than the first 20 questions, so I'm sure there are alot of mistakes I missed. I suggest you run it trough a spelling checker (like the one Word has). These are just some spelling and/or grammar mistakes I noticed. Don't sweat it, though, I'm just exceptionally strict when it comes to grammar because you can easily correct it by means of spelling checkers and whatnot.
Furter (question 2), you can't ask a right/wrong question about opinions, even though the rest of the answers are in different games I guess?
In question 4, answer B should be PC or Personal Computer. Amiga's and Commodore's are computers too. Heck, strictly speaking they are all computers. The question seems weird too, but maybe that's on purpose. I had to guess my way passed that one.
BTW: you can easily cheat away the countdown timer by unchecking play at the rightclick menu. I have no idea how the fix it except for getting Flash 8, but I thought I'd mention it to you ;)
Well anyway, nice game man! I hope I'm not too harsh on you, I'm just trying to help. I think it all looks alot cleaner when there are no spelling errors, and it might boost your score alot. Even though most of the reviewers and posters on the BBS generally don't care about that, I imagine alot of those anonymous folks that watch it do care. Well, good luck to you, and now I'm off to check out your stuff in the audio portal. If the song in this game was any indication, it's gonna be GOOOD! :P