Everything is perfect. The animation just needs a little bit work though, what with the tweens at some points (personally, I prefer FBF movieclips for better precision). The art is, however, really really good, and the audio.. You worried about compressing it too much for nothing, because it's just great.
The only real complainst are these:
- It's really long, and at some points it just seems like you streched it. Sometimes you had 3 sentences where you could have just told it with one, to explain what I mean by "stretching it".
- The infiltrating Human used the Keldan's hand to open the doors. However, the Keldan is dead, and wouldn't have sufficient body warmth to be detected correctly by the machine. It's nitpicking, I know, but I just happened to notice.
- The fighting seemed a little off. Maybe you put in too many frames, it seemed a bit slow.
Cool story, I'd love to see more!