I guess since it's really 3 movies I should review them seperately:
1 By god, Nathan, what the fuck?!...
When that head starting screaming I just couldn't watch anymore in favor of my health 0.O
Other than that, I liked it though, for some reason.. =)
2 I was about to click away, but then the craziness ended to be replaced with William Wallace/Braveheart craziness. I have that speech on my computer.. after godfather ("I will make him an offer he can't refuse") those are my most favourite words. So bonus points to that.
3 The third movie I liked immediatly because of the song (which worked suprisingly well with the opening scene), which also grant you bonus points =)
You have a strange talent ... You're the only author in my oppinion that makes góód wacky movies here on newgrounds..
Well done!
(and let me say this is officially the first clock movie I liked enough to review)